Machine Info

This list of links is a combination of machine review, advice, and information. I will add new links as I find them, feel free to let me know if there is something you would like included on this page!

Guide to buying a machine at Sew Mama Sew

Mecca of Machine Reviews! at Sew Mama Sew
Sewing Machine Reviews at Using Sewing Machines
Vintage Sewing Machine Reviews at Sew-Classic
New Machine Reviews and More at Serious Sewing
The low down on used machines at ZigZaggers

Antique and Vintage Sewing Machine Manuals at Tias (PDFs for sale)
Service and Sewing Instruction and Guides at Manuals on CD (PDFs for sale)

ISMACS International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society
Sewalot Extensive research on the history of sewing machines