What do you think? Do the features in his illustration tap into the male sewing psyche? I found another concept machine that appears to be the winner of a contest Aisin held. Designer Lysandre Follet of Mini Gorille may have had a modern machine in mind that would appeal to a unisex target market. But is this a man's machine? Is there such a thing? Perhaps the ultimate feature on a man's sewing machine would be a machine that does more than just sew: like one that had a bottle-opener on the side or one with speakers that would play music from your ipod while you sewed instead of the sound of the motor being the only noise option. Don't laugh - I'm not the first to think of this idea! It could be interesting, but truthfully I am not as sure about how I feel about the stereo sewing machine prototype designed by Sounds Butter. Dunno, maybe it is a 'guy thing...'
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